Each student represents a cost of Q.500.00 / U$65.00 per month.
Account #: 902311695
Monetary account in Quetzales
Banco BAC ReformADOR
** ISR deductible donation
• Materials: pencils, erasers, pens, scissors, crayons, notebooks, books
• Furniture: chairs, tables, desks, blackboards, fans.
• Computers, audio and video equipment.
• Equipment for training workshops (Carpentry, bakery, electricity, sewing, cooking)
• Snacks for students: cookies, juice, fruit, sweet breads, canned beans, bread for sandwiches
We need trained teachers to: Literacy • Social Sciences • Natural Sciences • Mathematics • Chemistry • Artistic Expression • Physical Education • English
EDUVIDA is a no-cost education center, accredited by the Ministry of Education, and includes four programs: literacy, accelerated primary, flexible modalities (basic /secondary education and high school diploma G.E.D), which is in session on Sundays in order to benefit those with few resources who need or are interested in an education and in preparing themselves for life.
The project works under the Casa Horeb Civil Association, registered with the Ministry of the Interior, file No. 5122121535861.
From its beginnings to the present time, 228 individuals have been served. In 2018, 110 students were served.